Breakout rooms are a common feature of virtual training platforms. In breakout rooms, participants are divided into small groups and temporarily placed into online settings (rooms) where they can hear, see, and talk only with others in their small group. Discussion, brainstorming, case studies, role plays, teachbacks, and skill practice are typical small group activities. Other collaborative activities might include a content-related online scavenger hunt or joint completion of a crossword puzzle printed on handouts.
Breakout groups of 3-5 participants are ideal. Smaller group sizes provide both an opportunity and encouragement to contribute to the assigned activity. In a group of three participants, for example, if participants are practicing explaining a developmental screening tool to a family member, one person might role play the parent and another the early childhood professional. The third participant would observe the process and provide feedback. Participants would then switch roles to enable each small group member to practice the task.
Prior to sending participants into breakout rooms, explain the activity to be completed. In addition to verbal preparation, provide instructions on a PowerPoint slide and/or by printing them on the session handout. Platforms such as Zoom allow the presenter to broadcast instructions to breakout rooms once formed, and participants to contact the trainer for assistance.
Participants should be made aware of the number of minutes they have to complete the activity and if a report out is expected. Predetermined facilitators may serve as group leaders and provide the report. If not previously identified, trainers should offer a strategy for determining the reporter (e.g., the person who has worked the longest in their current agency or who most recently attended a virtual training as a participant.)
Breakout rooms are a great tool for increasing participant engagement and leveraging the knowledge and experience of adult learners.
McKinnie, R. (n.d.) Best practices for delivering virtual classroom training.
Check the VCPD website at for information regarding upcoming webinars as well as a wide variety of online learning resources.
Pointers for PD Providers is a publication of the Virginia Cross-Sector Professional Development (VCPD) Team. VCPD members collaborate to provide diverse leadership to prepare early childhood personnel to support all children (prenatal to age five) and their families in home, school, and community settings.